
Ruddigore, also known as The Witch's Curse, is the tenth of the fourteen comic operas created by Gilbert and Sullivan. This opera parodies the stock melodrama genre and is set in the fictional village of Rederring. The story revolves around Robin Oakapple, a young farmer who is secretly Sir Ruthven Murgatroyd, the rightful Baronet of Ruddigore. Robin has been living in disguise to avoid inheriting the family curse, which condemns every baronet to commit a daily crime or face a terrible fate. The plot thickens as Robin's true identity is revealed, leading to a series of humorous and supernatural events involving ghosts, mistaken identities, and the ultimate triumph of good over evil. With its witty dialogue and catchy musical numbers, "Ruddigore" offers a delightful blend of satire and entertainment.

Production Team

Shane Valenzi, Director/Choreographer
Matthew Sheppard, Music Director/Conductor
Paige Dirkes-Jacks, Associate Director
Mary Nora Wolf, Associate Choreographer
Nancy Levner, Producer


Liam Gannon | Robin Oakapple
Katherine Petersen | Rose Maybud
Jonathan Zeng | Richard Dauntless
Molly Clementz | Mad Margaret
Dorian McCall | Sir Despard Murgatroyd
Conor Broaders | Sir Roderic Murgatroyd
Sara Stern | Dame Hannah
Lifan Deng | Old Adam Goodheart
Al Kassouf | Zorah
Elizabeth Fisher | Ruth


Sophia Altamirano (u/s Zorah)
Ariel Andrew
Katya Bakas (u/s Margaret)
Gabrielle Goudard
Alexis Langlois
Aidan Spencer
Mary Nora Wolf (u/s Hannah)
Noah Friedlander | Sir Rupert
Peter Dannug | Sir Lionel
Andy Terwilliger | Sir Conrad u/s Despard
Peter Cutler | Sir Desmond u/s Roderic
Chiemerie Obianom | Sir Gilbert u/s Adam
Nikhil Harle | Sir Mervyn u/s Dauntless
Benjamin Recchie | Sir Norbert